Notes From A Film: Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

Year: 2004
Written by Charlie Kaufman
Directed by Michel Gondry
Starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.

(The leap)

Think of me your brilliant idiot
For one day you will ruin my life.
I will imagine you are my flawless fool
For one day I will teach you to hate in love
and raise you bloody chaos.

In some romantic sense, I guess
The nervous laughs of knowing we might lose
Will pervade these dim lit hallways.
With depth and soul, I no less presume
The joys that succeed suffering,
That we never want erased,
Will fight us if we dare resist.

So atlast I see you
As I lose the you who I thought you were
And stand before a welcome stranger,
Because this is not our first bout
– We know we slipped a dance with Danger.


How could I have seen you then,
When I read you through the lense of my own doubts?
A view filtered through the excerpts of my past.
Molded misconceptions and misgivings
That shout “I am afraid to let you take me as I am!!!”

So of course we were tainted,
But I did not understand it then
How we clung to fallacy,
Asked for condiments for the complete offering before us:
Marring the taste with our own wants and invocations,
Shutting our eyes to what we had for what we thought we needed,
Reactive when the jigsaw piece refused to fit.

God’s sustinance is here and it is sufficient;
Yet we like to meddle with his weights
And believe we are short changed,
Like a last born grumbles always that his share is not the same.
The giver sees our tantrum yet he yields more for us still:
Absolute generosity imposed against our will.


There is freedom in the choice to endure through difficulties.
Middle fingerd fists up in the stern face of fate.
There is wisdom in the proactive path, the work through,
Evading the road side pole of dispaire on icey roads by stearing straight towards it.
Forgiving in a fit of brash belief.

There is pain before again
And we will build a stout cathedral from her ruin.
In our human stupidity we will say ok.
Ok to every risk we take while knowing,
Choosing joy in life together
Between the cyclones we will toss between us,
Blunders we may make again
– Inevitable mistakes.

The pebbled shores to which they will lead us,
Barefoot at the waters edge,
Watching ripples of the gentle waves,
My hands tucked warm in your jean pockets,
Your nape clinging to my shoulder blades,
Are the value unscripted
That their erroneous sum omitted.

(Ever After)

What is the second go around if not the hope to learn from memories
And happenings we would otherwise want eraced?
A testament to the human made by their experiences
– The naive optimism of those who chose to remember,
Who see that beyond our severed two scene,
Beyond the loves we find beyond,
When the scripts are kindle
And the films are dust,
All this would have been true because we loved.
Because each memory of how we did are the dreams that will remain.
Each go ahead a moment with its genuine and holy stain
That strikes rationality slack with each replay,
It’s mouth ever so comically gaped.

– Bongo

Post Cover Art: illusoryart

Delivered as promised! Took so long because the context of the film overlapped with my breakup two years ago. So naturally the poem, influenced by both the film and real life events, morphed into what you’ve just read. As always please go and watch the film for yourself! I look forward to delivering more of these to you this year, as I revisit more Romance and Drama films. Expect a little bit of horror aswell.

Next NFAF: Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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